A few days prior to our departure, Dawn had driven to Pittsburgh to see her boyfriend Jon one last time, and somewhere in the rapture of their budding relationship, she had also lost her wallet.
Waiting for new cards was counterproductive. If we delayed our trail start date by a week, it would make the trail impossible to complete. And so, as a compromise, we agreed to set off only one day later than planned. This would give Dawn time to get a new, much needed drivers license. For money, I would spot her cash the whole trip.
On Saturday, we set off for Connecticut in my tiny perwinkle Kia with almost everything. It was late when we arrived to Danielle and Ken's and they were delighted to see us. We ate, chatted and scampered to bed.
Sunday morning, Dawn printed out the
guide for the Massachusetts section of the NET and found a bookstore
where we could purchase much of the rest. For the newest portion of the trail in southern Connecticut, we found no map was available.
Danielle and Ken were both polite and encouraging as they watched us complete our last tasks, and kept any feelings of worry and doubt well hidden. But if they had felt we were ill-prepared, they would have been
right. We weren't sure exactly where our first resupply would be, or if we had
enough food to get there. Dawn, was a green horn to backpacking, and we were crunched for time. Our guides were so new we hadn't even skimmed them.
Amateurs. Daredevils.
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